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Crucial to being effective, adaptable and successful is staying ahead of the game by knowing the trends, opportunities and challenges that affect your future. Our work at ECO is characterized by thoughtful research that enables our clients to understand the real issues facing them and their communities. Since the truth of an issue is made up of views from many perspectives, we use a variety of social and natural science research techniques to develop a detailed picture of the situation. This further assists in being able to design an appropriate approach for the correct problem.

Surveys and Assessments  One-On-One and Group Interviews  Knowledge and Opinion Polls  Ethnographic Research  Social Network Evaluations  Scenario Planning and Visioning

In addition, ECO associates are encouraged to push the edges of their expertise and research new ways of thinking or perceiving what they know. Specific areas of research include:

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Public Engagement and Collaboration [PDF]
Linking Collaboration and Adaptive Management
Merging Traditional and Local Knowledge with Best Available Science (BAS) and Policy
Modeling the Dynamics of Human and Natural Systems
Integrating Appropriate Technology with Development Initiatives
The Power of Story - Integrating Science with Traditional and Local Knowledge [PDF]
Disaster Recovery Models for Community Planning
Building Collaborative Organizations and Governance Structures
Enhancing Communication Effectiveness

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