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"I don’t do advisory committees, but this (advisory committee developed by ECO) was one of the best experiences I have had, well-balanced and productive."
- Environmental Activist
Environmental Sustainability

The environment broadly consists of the natural and cultural landscapes that surround us and infuse resources and context into our livelihoods, business, and material and spiritual fulfillment. Accurately understanding and effectively integrating ecological thinking into personal, business and political decisions results in a realistic understanding of constraints and opportunities, establishing the ground for sustainable innovation.

ECO’s practical experience and understanding of natural, cultural, technological and organizational systems provides you with a broad perspective on the environmental issues facing your business, agency or community. This supports you in integrating learning, adaptation and dynamic resilience into new innovative environmental policies, programs and actions.

ECO’s diverse experience with assessing, planning, monitoring, and managing natural, human and cultural landscapes includes:

Adaptive Resource Management and Governance  Environmental Monitoring and Compliance  Performance Measures and Indicators  Environmental Policy Analysis  Environmental Dispute Resolution  All Hazard Planning  Growth Management  Shoreline Management  Water Resources  Energy and Environmental Management Systems  Human and Natural Systems Modeling  Cultural Resource Assessments  Environmental Education  Sustainable Travel and Tourism

Representative Projects

Tsleil Waututh Community Monitoring Plan
Upper Columbia River Alternative Flood Control and Fish Operations EIS (VARQ)
Klamath River Sucker Recovery Plan
Clearing and Grading, Stormwater and Low Impact Development (LID) Technical Guidance and Model Code
Puget Sound Confined Disposal Site Study (MUDS) Public Outreach and Siting Advisory Board
Invasive Species Communications and Education Plan
Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Damage Assessment and Restoration
City of Seattle Water Supply
WA Homeland Security Region 6 Water Contamination Rapid Response Network
Critical Areas and Resource Lands - Mercer Island
Shoreline Master Program - Whatcom County

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© 2009 ECO Resource Group | Web Site by Blue Sky Projects, LLC