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Public and Private Clients

ECO works with a broad range of public agencies, non-profit and community groups, and private businesses to enhance their ability to effectively reach their goals; sustainably interact with their respective business, regulatory, political, and natural environments; and create opportunities for growth and development. We understand the challenges and opportunities faced by the public sector and market-based businesses. Since 1983, ECO has helped public sector clients incorporate appropriate business management techniques and flexibility while maintaining public trust, transparency and regulatory responsibilities. We promote and develop learning systems in formerly rigid bureaucracies, and catalyze collaborative, practical solutions involving diverse stakeholders, elected officials, agency management and staff and the general public. ECO has helped private sectors clients (including aerospace, engineering, oil, technology, real estate, energy, tourism, hotels, and construction) leverage opportunities for organizational change, work effectively with regulatory agencies and local communities, and define the fundamental requirements for sustainability.

Partial Client List

Alaska Dept. of Environmental Conservation
Alki Community Council
Benton County
Broadway Improvement District
Cascade Mental Health Center
City of Bainbridge Island
City of Blaine
City of Bellingham
City of Ferndale
City of Nooksack
City of Richland
City of Portland
City of Seattle
City of Sumas
City of Tacoma
Community Design Exchange
Construction Rigging
Desert Research Institute
Discovery Voyages
Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition (DRCC)
Environmental Support Network
Fourth Corner Development Group
HDR Engineering, Inc.
Hazel Dell Sewer District
Huckell Weinman
Idaho Department of Environmental Quality
International Association of Public Participation (IAP2)
Jefferson County
Jones and Stokes
King County/Metro
KTOO (Public Television)
Lummi Island
National Association of Marine Educators
National Geographic Society
National Park Service
Neighborhood Business Council
Neighborhood Planning Office
Onyx Group
Planning Association of Washington
Point Roberts
Port of Bellingham
Puget Soundkeeper Alliance
Puget Sound Partnership
San Juan County
Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC)
Seattle Central Community College
Seattle Public Utilities
Shannon and Wilson
Skagit County
SKANSKA Engineering
Society for Ecological Restoration
State of Idaho Department of Environmental Quality
Striplin Environmental
Tryck Nyman Hayes
Tsleil-Waututh Nation
University of Washington
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. Coast Guard
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
U.S. Navy
Washington Department of Community, Trade, and Economic Development
Washington Department of Ecology
Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife
Washington Department of Health
Washington Department of Natural Resources
Washington State Municipal Clerks Association
Washington State University Cooperative Extension
WBA Group
Western Washington University
Whatcom County
Whatcom County Health District
Wilder Construction
Wittler-Brochier Associates

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