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ECO Resources

Our Work
"The Mingle"®
Achieving Extraordinary Success as a Coach
Other Resources and Related Links

Our Work
These are a few articles, documents and reports developed by ECO that you may find useful. Please feel free to contact us for other examples of our work.

Building Common Understanding: Story and Dialogue as Tools for Deepening Public Involvement.
Interact: The Journal of Public Participation, International Association of Public Participation, 2002.

Measuring the Success of Public Involvement
Participation Quarterly, International Association of Public Participation, 2006.

Klamath River Basin-Wide Governance Framework (2006)

Clearing and Grading Technical Guidance Document and Model Code.(2005)

Planning for Decontamination Wastewater: A Guide for Utilities, NACWA, 2005.

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"The Mingle"®
The Mingle is a ready-made activity that can be used as either an ice-breaker or a discussion starter. It comes as a set of 20 cards. Each card has a unique question designed specifically for the group you're working with or the topic you're discussing. There are currently four specific versions designed for:

Groups - either just forming, adding new members or needing to work together better
Teams - a slightly deeper look that fits well for intact teams
Collaboration - for situations where people need to find common ground and come together
Sustainability - for situations where people want to learn about and explore issues of sustainability
Coming Soon: Trust – helping groups and individuals to understand and develop trust.

As part of the activity, participants will talk one-on-one with each other. This encourages people to get to know one another or get better acquainted - make connections - and learn about themselves, each other, or the topic being discussed.

For more information, or to purchase Mingle Cards, please visit MingleCards.com.

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Achieving Extraordinary Success As A Coach, Lahaska Publishing, 2003

This book provides strategies for personal and executive coaches on how to build a practice. But it also contains some valuable information on how to look at your personal life and business in a different way. Sandra Davis, ECO Managing Partner and Coaching lead wrote a chapter on the Gifts of Silence that provides valuable tips about how to listen to and learn from your life.
     Download Gifts of Silence chapter.

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Other Resources and Related Links
Following are some links to websites that address the topical areas that come into play while integrating Environment and Ecology, Community and Organization. We will be adding links as time permits, but if you have other resources you think would be important to add, please contact us.

Adaptive Management and Resilience
Ecology and Society
Adaptive Management:The U.S. Department of Interior Technical Guide
Adaptive Management Practitioners Network
MIT-USGS Science Impact Collaborative
Resilience Alliance
Ecosystem Management Initiative

International Association for Public Participation (IAP2)
U.S. Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution
Cooperative Sagebrush Initiative
Western Collaboration Assistance Network

Complex Systems
The Sante Fe Institute
Emergence: Complexity and Organization
Chaordic Commons

Integral Philosophy
The Integral Institute

Scenario Planning
Global Business Network
The Valley Futures Project
The Global Scenario Group

Sustainability (General)
World Business Council on Sustainable Development
The Global Reporting Initiative
The Natural Step
The Rocky Mountain Institute
Natural Capital Institute
SoL Sustainability Consortium

Climate Change
Climate Change and Water, IPCC Technical Paper VI.

COMING SOON! We will soon be offering access to purchase books we have found valuable and relevant to the work of integrating Environmental, Community and Organization strategies. The books are sold through Amazon.com, and we will be donating a percentage of the sales to support various non-profit groups, local bookstores and other causes.

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